If I would make an illustration of how my money right now, monthly income and everyday expenses look, it would not take an expert to tell me that I am on the verge of bankruptcy. If I won't act now, I might just end up staying inside the house to avoid possible expenditures. Thinking about it gives me a little despair. And despair I consider is one of the greatest suffering.
To increase one's income is not really synonymous to desiring a higher-paying job. Although that would, in general, contribute to one's earnings, in the long term, it would be advantageous rather to desire to increase your money machines or your income sources. That, I learned from continuous reading of articles about money management.
Right now, as I had decided to quit my corporate career, I am left with only two money machines, my part-time teaching career and a small business I started out with friends. However, for the next two months, I am going to increase it to five. Yes. I will be adding three more sources of income by the end of the next two months. I am now in the planning stage of a new business and I am intending to launch it by the last week of August or by early September. Also, I am thinking of getting back in the corporate world. This time I will be pursuing a career in a multinational company and will be doing a night shift job. I already attended an interview for the position I was eyeing for, however, I am still thinking thoroughly if this action would fit my long-term goals and objectives. Lastly, the third money machine would be the investment I will put on the stock market. My friend and I are scheduled to attend a seminar on stock market investment on September and I hope it would truly guide us and give us the jump start that we needed. I am very much looking forward to achieving all of these.
Let me share with you words from Paulo Coelho's blog.
Facing despair
A warrior of the light often despairs.
He thinks that the feelings he had hoped to awaken are nowhere to be found. Many afternoons and nights he is forced to adopt a position of the defeated, and no new event can bring back his enthusiasm.
His friends comment: “perhaps your fight has come to an end.”
The warrior feels pain and confusion upon hearing these comments, for he knows that he has not come as far as he wished. But he is determined, and does not abandon that which he set out to do.
Then, when he least expects it, a new door opens.
Today I read about an article by Mark So which tackled on money management. It was a very good read and most articles in his blog are similarly inspiring and easy to decipher. You can check out the article and the rest of his blog posts here.
To increase one's income is not really synonymous to desiring a higher-paying job. Although that would, in general, contribute to one's earnings, in the long term, it would be advantageous rather to desire to increase your money machines or your income sources. That, I learned from continuous reading of articles about money management.
Right now, as I had decided to quit my corporate career, I am left with only two money machines, my part-time teaching career and a small business I started out with friends. However, for the next two months, I am going to increase it to five. Yes. I will be adding three more sources of income by the end of the next two months. I am now in the planning stage of a new business and I am intending to launch it by the last week of August or by early September. Also, I am thinking of getting back in the corporate world. This time I will be pursuing a career in a multinational company and will be doing a night shift job. I already attended an interview for the position I was eyeing for, however, I am still thinking thoroughly if this action would fit my long-term goals and objectives. Lastly, the third money machine would be the investment I will put on the stock market. My friend and I are scheduled to attend a seminar on stock market investment on September and I hope it would truly guide us and give us the jump start that we needed. I am very much looking forward to achieving all of these.
Let me share with you words from Paulo Coelho's blog.
Facing despair
A warrior of the light often despairs.
He thinks that the feelings he had hoped to awaken are nowhere to be found. Many afternoons and nights he is forced to adopt a position of the defeated, and no new event can bring back his enthusiasm.
His friends comment: “perhaps your fight has come to an end.”
The warrior feels pain and confusion upon hearing these comments, for he knows that he has not come as far as he wished. But he is determined, and does not abandon that which he set out to do.
Then, when he least expects it, a new door opens.
Today I read about an article by Mark So which tackled on money management. It was a very good read and most articles in his blog are similarly inspiring and easy to decipher. You can check out the article and the rest of his blog posts here.